As I noted last year, Medicare has been working on issuing new Medicare Cards which will begin arriving in mailboxes next month. The primary purpose for this project is security. Social Security numbers will be replaced with a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier. Finally! They have been working on this project for years and made all insurance companies make this change years ago.
Medicare beneficiaries do not have to do anything. As long as their address is current in Medicare’s system, their card will arrive without request some time over the next year. Once received, the old card should be destroyed and begin using the new card immediately.
One caution is to be aware of scammers who will try to take advantage of this event. To learn more about this issue, I have included a link to an article that describes more about the new cards and process.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need assistance with selecting a Medicare Plan. I don’t charge any fees nor increase your cost.
Based in the Richmond, Va area, David Higgs of Choices In Medicare specializes in helping seniors transition to Medicare. He can be reached at email: or go to website: