The latest news on Medicare Part B 2017 premium increase is “stay tuned”. Congress is still working on this and the final determination won’t come until October 1st at the earliest. Like last year, there is a strong possibility that the “Hold Harmless” provision will protect existing Medicare beneficiaries who have their Part B premiums deducted from their Social Security check. That will leave the others to take a larger load of the increase.
While a 22% increase is being discussed, my guess is it will be negotiated down like last year. I will keep readers apprised. If you want to read more on this, I have linked an article here:
If you have questions about Medicare, call me, with no cost or obligation. This is what I do and enjoy it.
Based in the Richmond, Va area, David Higgs of Choices In Medicare specializes in helping seniors transition to Medicare. He can be reached at email: or go to website: