Tag Archives: Plan F

No More Plan F and MACRA

Many of my Medicare clients ask about the news they have heard about Plan F Supplement going away.  While that is the gist of what is happening, let me clarify a little more about this change.

Almost 4 years ago, a new federal law (MACRA) announced that effective Jan 1, 2020, first dollar Part B coverage would be phased out.  Certain Medicare Supplement Plans (aka Medigap policies) such as Plan F pay the Part B deductible which is $185 in 2019.  The new law will mean those Supplements cannot be offered to Newly Eligible Medicare beneficiaries on or after Jan 1, 2020.  This means a few things.   Beneficiaries that already have a Plan F Supplement can keep it.  If beneficiaries who are not “Newly Eligible” have a different Supplement plan, they can still apply for a Plan F (assuming they are healthy enough to medically qualify).  Those that are Newly Eligible on or after Jan 1, 2020, will not be able to get a Plan F or similar.

In spite of all that, most of my clients do not select a Plan F.  This is primarily due to cost and coverage differences to other Supplement Plan letters.  Feel free to call if you have questions about this.

If you want to learn more about this topic, the link below will direct you to more details:  https://www.naic.org/documents/cmte_b_senior_issues_related_macra_faq_2018.pdf#page=5

Based in the Richmond, Va area, David Higgs of Choices In Medicare specializes in helping seniors transition to Medicare.  He can be reached at email:  David@ChoicesInMedicare.com or go to website:  www.ChoicesInMedicare.com